At the beginning of 2023 we went to 4D Esports to collaborate with the creation of the illustrative material of the Dota 2 Lima Major, the first official Dota 2 competition that takes place in Peru and all of South America. Officialized by VALVE Corporation
The artistic style was inspired by the local Peruvian chicha culture, which in visual terms can be described as a combination of strong contrasts, a very vibrant and radiant palette, and a great appreciation of lines.
Our design team was inspired by the rich and diverse Peruvian culture to create the characters for the Major Lima event in Dota 2. Each character was carefully designed to represent elements of Peruvian culture, from clothing to accessories.

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In addition to creating characters that represent Peruvian culture in the Major Lima event of Dota 2, we also created comic illustrations combining elements of Lima's local culture with the game's characters. It was an interesting creative challenge, but we're happy with the result and hope that fans enjoy the fusion of cultures in our work.

Art direction: Danilo Laynes
Illustrations: Jose Villacrez
For inquiries, please contact:
Email: danilolaynes@gmail.com
Check out my instagram for more: @laynes.pe
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